Carian mengenai topik runs smoothly

Dapatkan berita terkini mengenai runs smoothly dari Astro Awani

Final preparations for GE15 polling day going well

Final preparations for GE15 polling day going well

Election workers across the country are hard at work conducting final preparations to ensure the voting process runs smoothly when voting begins tomorrow morning.
Fri Nov 18 2022
GE15: KDN agencies' preparedness at optimum level

GE15: KDN agencies' preparedness at optimum level

The agencies under KDN are on high alert to ensure that polling for the GE15 runs smoothly tomorrow, said Home Minister Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainudin.
Fri Nov 18 2022
Police give security assurances for polling day

Police give security assurances for polling day

Police have deployed various security elements for the GE15 polling day on Saturday to ensure it runs smoothly.
Thu Nov 17 2022
National Day celebration: Police urge public to arrive early, use public transportation

National Day celebration: Police urge public to arrive early, use public transportation

Noor Delhan said eight main roads around Dataran Merdeka will be closed and diverted to ensure the event runs smoothly.
Thu Aug 18 2022
Melaka polls: Voting process runs smoothly, high SOP compliance at voting centres

Melaka polls: Voting process runs smoothly, high SOP compliance at voting centres

The voting process for the Melaka state election is running smoothly with voters strictly complying with the stipulated SOP under the new normal circumstances.
Sat Nov 20 2021
Melaka polls: Early voting process runs smoothly, 39 per cent voter turnout as at 11am

Melaka polls: Early voting process runs smoothly, 39 per cent voter turnout as at 11am

Voters are all required to get their body temperature checked, scan the MySejahtera QR Code, sanitise their hands and observe physical distancing during the process.
Tue Nov 16 2021
High vaccination rate, prevention standards encourage Malaysia to introduce travel corridors -- PM Ismail Sabri

High vaccination rate, prevention standards encourage Malaysia to introduce travel corridors -- PM Ismail Sabri

Malaysia has a high vaccination rate and high standard of COVID-19 infection prevention to ensure the planned travel corridor with Indonesia runs smoothly, said Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob.
Wed Nov 10 2021
COVID-19 vaccination for teens in Labuan receives encouraging response

COVID-19 vaccination for teens in Labuan receives encouraging response

The implementation of phase two of COVID-19 vaccination for students aged 13 to 15 in the duty-free island runs smoothly and has received an encouraging response from the parents.
Fri Sep 24 2021
Civil service to continue to run smoothly - PSD DG

Civil service to continue to run smoothly - PSD DG

Civil servants must perform their responsibilities and work to ensure that all government management and administration runs smoothly as usual.
Mon Aug 16 2021
Dewan Rakyat: Number of those allowed in for next session to be decided - Deputy Speaker

Dewan Rakyat: Number of those allowed in for next session to be decided - Deputy Speaker

Mohd Rashid said this is to ensure the session runs smoothly and to prevent COVID-19 transmissions.
Tue Aug 10 2021
One-Year Malaysia Prihatin: Civil servants continue to support govt's aspirations

One-Year Malaysia Prihatin: Civil servants continue to support govt's aspirations

Civil servants and government leaders should move together without any prejudice to ensure every policy runs smoothly.
Mon Mar 01 2021
Sabah polls runs smoothly, no untoward incidents reported - Acryl Sani

Sabah polls runs smoothly, no untoward incidents reported - Acryl Sani

The Sabah State Election proceeded smoothly today, with no untoward incidents reported at the 741 voting centres.
Sat Sep 26 2020
Sabah Polls: Early voting process runs smoothly

Sabah Polls: Early voting process runs smoothly

The early voting process for the Sabah state election involving police and military personnel, as well as their spouses, is running smoothly despite the gloomy weather in several areas.
Tue Sep 22 2020
Chini by-election: 838 personnel to ensure smooth polling day tomorrow

Chini by-election: 838 personnel to ensure smooth polling day tomorrow

Preparations have been made to ensure the by-election process tomorrow runs smoothly, with a few final checks carried out today.
Fri Jul 03 2020
School reopening runs smoothly in line with the new normal

School reopening runs smoothly in line with the new normal

After almost three months of closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic, 2,440 secondary schools across the country finally reopen their doors.
Wed Jun 24 2020
HTN 2024: TVET MADANI sebagai laluan kerjaya utama

HTN 2024: TVET MADANI sebagai laluan kerjaya utama

Menurut Timbalan Ketua Setiausaha (Dasar & Antarabangsa), Kementerian Sumber Manusia, Datuk Norison Ramli, TVET Madani merupakan langkah strategik untuk memperkukuhkan sistem pendidikan sebagai salah satu laluan kerjaya utama kepada graduan.
Sat Jun 08 2024
Umat Islam Singapura, Indonesia sambut Aidiladha 17 Jun

Umat Islam Singapura, Indonesia sambut Aidiladha 17 Jun

Mengikut kiraan hisab berdasarkan kriteria 'imkanur rukyah', anak bulan Zulhijjah berada di atas ufuk Singapura selama 49 minit setelah matahari terbenam pada petang Jumaat.
Sat Jun 08 2024
HTN 2024: Sambutan Hari TVET platform sinergi industri & institusi

HTN 2024: Sambutan Hari TVET platform sinergi industri & institusi

Sambutan Hari Pendidikan dan Latihan Teknikal dan Vokasional (TVET) Negara (HTN) 2024 merupakan platform untuk menjelaskan kepada masyarakat tentang sinergi yang wujud antara pihak industri dan institusi.
Sat Jun 08 2024
HKM 2023: Adibah Amin diumum Tokoh Wartawan Negara 2023

HKM 2023: Adibah Amin diumum Tokoh Wartawan Negara 2023

Wartawan wanita veteran Adibah Amin diumumkan sebagai Tokoh Wartawan Negara pada Malam Wartawan Malaysia 2024 dan Hadiah Kewartawanan Malaysia (HKM) MPI-Petronas 2023 malam tadi.
Sat Jun 08 2024
Senarai hitamkan Israel adalah satu langkah yang tepat - Riyad Mansour

Senarai hitamkan Israel adalah satu langkah yang tepat - Riyad Mansour

Kata wakil Palestin ke PBB, Riyad Mansour, Israel telah mengelak dari bertanggungjawab ke atas jenayahnya terhadap kanak-kanak Palestin selama beberapa dekad.
Sat Jun 08 2024
HTN 2024: Sijil profesional TVET sebagai nilai tambah

HTN 2024: Sijil profesional TVET sebagai nilai tambah

Dr Mohd Faizal Tokeran menjelaskan TVET turut menawarkan pensijilan profesional kepada graduan sebagai nilai tambah untuk memastikan peluang pekerjaan yang lebih baik.
Sat Jun 08 2024
Ringgit dijangka diniagakan rendah berbanding dolar AS minggu depan

Ringgit dijangka diniagakan rendah berbanding dolar AS minggu depan

Kenaikan NFP yang melebihi jangkaan itu dijangka akan meningkatkan permintaan terhadap dolar AS.
Sat Jun 08 2024
Simpanan Tabung Haji habis, rumah tak nampak bayang

Simpanan Tabung Haji habis, rumah tak nampak bayang

Dia membeli rumah berharga lebih RM400,000 pada tahun 2016 itu kerana ingin memiliki sebuah kediaman lebih selesa untuk keluarganya.
Sat Jun 08 2024
Gitar milik John Lennon dilelong pada harga RM13.61 juta

Gitar milik John Lennon dilelong pada harga RM13.61 juta

Julien's Auctions berkata, jumlah itu merupakan jualan tertinggi dalam sejarah lelongan barangan kumpulan Beatles.
Sat Jun 08 2024
Tewas buat kali pertama, namun 'semangat berani' Jojo raih perhatian ramai

Tewas buat kali pertama, namun 'semangat berani' Jojo raih perhatian ramai

Jojo terpaksa akur dengan keputusan pengadil yang memilih Nguyen sebagai pemenang perlawanan tersebut.
Sat Jun 08 2024